Thursday, 23 April 2015

Time Well Spent- My Final Farewell and Thanks

This course and this program as a whole have educated me about best practices for providing effective physical, cognitive and emotional support for the healthy development of the children in my care. Not only has this program educated me, it has ignited my passion for this field and has confirmed my professional purpose. This course in particular aided me in building upon this passion to create a challenge and envision a way in I could help improve this challenge and impact social change.

I learned, as a result of this program that being the best educator I could be is not enough. To create change and truly support the children and families in my care, I and all of us as educators have a responsibility to advocate for those who cannot. There are many injustices in this world to rectify them and to create change someone needs to stand up and exclaim that what is being done, what has been done or the current status quo are not right.

I also learned the importance of collaboration. Throughout the discussion forum comments, we were able to challenge one another, seek clarification and question things that may have been overlooked. I was inspired by my colleagues and their drive, passion and motivation and found that this pushed me.
Finally, this course and program made me look at current practices and examine whether they were truly meeting the needs of every student and every child. It gave me a path to pursue and directed me towards a way to achieve these goals.

A long term goal that I have for myself is to one day inspire others the way that the anti- bias work of Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards has inspired me. Currently I have been considering continuing my educational journey with a Ph.D. in special education. My Capstone focused on Aboriginal injustices in the classroom, I am also very passionate about anti- bias education and diversity concerning children with special needs and exceptionalities. Whatever I do decide, and whatever path I take I just want to ensure that I am providing the best care and education as a teacher. I want to remain optimistic and passionate about this field even when I become overwhelmed, discouraged or frustrated.

I want to thank all of my professors at Walden University and each and every one of my colleagues for their support and encouragement throughout the past two years.

I thought that I would end this course, the way that it began by choosing adjectives to describe my journey and this experience.


Unknown said...


I am glad to hear that this program has ignited your passion for the early childhood profession. I also believe that your quest to inspire others is a noble one. I couldn't agree with you more that we have covered a lot of interesting ground in the past months. Anti-bias, culture, research, and advocating just to name a few. I wish you well and leave you with my favorite quote "Keep company with those who make you better" (Mary Engelbrite).
Toddles, Jenn Pore`

Unknown said...


Thank you for your comment to my blog post. It has been a true pleasure working with you over the past few weeks. Your responses to the discussions were always thoughtful and informative. Thank you for the support. Your passion for the aboriginal people of Canada is one that will impact many lives. As a member of a minority group, I can attest to the fact that it is a great feeling knowing that someone acknowledges your struggles and is taking the steps to ensure that you are validated and respected for who you are. No matter the cultural or socio-economic background, all humans deserve the right to equitable education and quality of life.
I am glad to have known you. I wish you the best of luck with your career. Please keep in touch!


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