
"Each child is unique and the protagonist of his or her own growth. Children desire to acquire knowledge, have much capacity for curiosity and amazement, and yearn to create relationships with others and communicate. "
-Loris Malaguzzi

I love this quote because it is something that I truly believe. The expectations for teachers have changed. We have learned that students and children learn more when it comes from within them (their interests and wonderings). They learn more exploring, discovering and questioning on their own and with one another. Teachers have taken a step back and are now beginning to facilitate the learning rather than provide students with upfront answers and rote memorization. Students want to learn! So we need to let them. People often misconstrue the inquiry based or play based kindergarten movement as a free for all. This is not the case at all. Students are guided and are given the opportunity to explore their interests and wonderings according to set parameters, following a specific curriculum. 
Children examining the direction of a stream. 


Lhakpa said...

Hi! Rhiannon, I love the quote and your explanation. It is so true that children learn best their interest areas are incorporated with educational curriculum. Yes, our expectation have changed a lot..good luck

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