Wednesday 25 September 2013

Sectors of the Early Childhood Field

“So I have a built-in empathy for poor children, as well as a deep belief, based on my own life, that just because you're poor that doesn't mean you're inadequate”.
Edward Zigler

“They are our partners in this learning enterprise, and we have a special responsibility to use this knowledge not to fill up journals, but to make the lives of these children better”.
Edward Zigler

“In the good years, work very hard to win everything that's possibly winnable. In the bad years, work just as hard to keep your losses to a minimum. There are good times, and there are bad times. But you have to stay in the game”.
Edward Zigler
Photograph of Edward Zigler (Headstart)

“The future which we hold in trust for our own children will be shaped by our fairness to other people's children”.
Marian Wright Edelman

“A nation that does not stand for its children does not stand for anything and will not stand tall in the future”.
Marian Wright Edelman 

“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it”.
Marian Wright Edelman 

Photograph of Marian Wright Edelman 


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhiannon,
The first quote that you posted really stuck out to me. It is so very true. Children have no say as to what their family's financial situation is and it is not their duty too nor their responsibility. Just because they may be poor does not mean that they are not intelligent children and deserve the opportunity to earn a proper education as well as a healthy life and developmental process.

Anonymous said...

What great and inspiring quotes by such amazing individuals. I especially related to the one by Edelman about standing up for our children. She is an incredible woman and strong advocate for children.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your qoutes. The qoute about standing for our children ia amazing, we are the voice for our children so I am standing everyday making a difference in the children that are in my care daily. thank you, I will use this quote next week for my staff, very inspiring and motivating

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